Paul B’s story

I placed my first bet in October 1994 in Leeds. Little did I know then that it would be the first step in a decade-long gambling addiction that was so all-consuming I would try to take my own life and also do time in prison for using other people’s money to fuel my habit. I’d … Continued

Rupert’s story

I was born in Woolwich, South East London and then spent a lot of my early years living in the South East of England. My father was in the army, so moving around quite often became the norm for me. Fast forward to my 20s, I also joined the army myself after finishing university. Joining … Continued

Lisa’s story

I discovered at an early age that food and then drugs enabled me to ‘numb out’ and took away my feelings of self-hatred, insecurity, not feeling clever enough, pretty enough or living up to who I felt my father wanted me to be. I was constantly trying new ways to alter my feelings and to … Continued

Marie-Claire’s story

I had a pretty normal childhood: a 2.4 children household – that kind of thing. We weren’t wealthy, but we had a comfortable life in suburban Birmingham. My mum and dad worked hard to provide for us, and we went on holiday every year. There were no dramas at all until I was 15 years … Continued

Darren’s story

I had a relatively happy early childhood. I was raised in Maidstone, in Kent, in a big family: I’m the eldest of five brothers and sisters and also have three half siblings, so it was always a busy household. My dad worked really hard: he ran his own businesses, and worked seven days a week, … Continued

Susan’s story

Most people think addiction will never happen to them and I know that that’s how I felt. But I think what people don’t realise is just that once you step over this certain line and alcohol gets a grip, it’s so incredibly difficult to beat. No matter who you are or what your upbringing has … Continued

Mikila’s story

I don’t really remember too much about what life was like before using. But I do remember a bit about my childhood. It was a fairly happy time and I lived in a village with my mum, my dad and my older brother. My aunts and uncles were down the road and my nan and … Continued

Gary Aldridge’s story

When I look back on my childhood, I’d say I had a very normal upbringing. I grew up in Hertfordshire, and had a good, stable childhood. My parents were always around, and there were no drugs or alcohol at home. I was an average student, but enjoyed playing for the local football team. I have … Continued