How we can help you
The Forward Trust helps thousands of people to change their lives every year. Here's how we can help.
Help to move forward from crime and addiction
You might not be able to imagine it right now, but there is another way. There is a life separate from addiction and crime. There are services available to guide and support you. Many people have already used these services successfully to turn their lives around. Read more...
Help finding employment or accommodation
It can be hard to find a job or a house if you have a history of crime or addiction, but it is absolutely possible and there are people out there to help you with this – providing specialist advice and support. Read more...
Help from a community of like-minded people
The key to successful recovery is a network of support that replaces previous drug using associates. You are not alone! There are many people out there who are going through similar experiences and those who are achieving successful recoveries. Read more...
Help because a family member is affected by crime or addiction
Drug or alcohol addiction can impact on the health and well-being of family and friends, as well as on the individual with drug or alcohol problems. Thankfully, services are available to support the families of those in addiction. Read more...